The aesthetic qualities and the infinite possibilities of combinations, shades and installation techniques make resin the ideal material to make an environment unique.
Activities such as shopping centers, retail and wholesale shops, offices and coworking areas are increasingly choosing to use RPM Italia flooring and coatings.
Depending on the chosen product, excellent resistance to high temperatures and / or aggressive chemical agents that often damage the surfaces can be obtained.
Together with the aesthetic aspect, a resin solution allows to keep the running costs low. The cleaning of the premises is facilitated by the highly hygienic characteristics of the product, but also by the absence of leaks and joints that are more difficult to sanitize.
Covering a wall or other architectural elements such as stairs and skirting boards further facilitates the management of spaces and guarantees greater mechanical and chemical resistance.
The resin makes any type of installation on existing floors or surfaces simple, practical and fast, thus being able to renovate your shop with minimal discomfort.
The wide range of collections, finishes and installation techniques allow you to create unique environments for retail.
We create flooring and coatings with company logos or with signs and directional lanes to facilitate the management of high traffic of vehicles and vehicles but also of customers inside a store.
The vast possibility of customizing resin flooring and coatings is the best weapon to communicate your brand.
Write to us immediately, we will reply as soon as possible.
The Finishes
Surface Preparation
Analisi della superficie esistente
Preparazione e riparazione della superficie esistente mediante diverse tipologie di lavorazioni
Accurata pulizia per rimuovere e smaltire i materiali di risulta
Application cycle
Applicazione di eventuali elementi architettonici (rete di armatura, massetto, pannelli)
Stesura di uno o più prodotti per assicurare la massima adesione della resina scelta
Stesura della Resina scelta in fase di progettazione
Stesura della resina di finitura con una tecnica di posa specifica
Stesura di trattamenti ulteriori scelti in fase di trattazione
Pulizia della nuova superficie da consegnare chiavi in mano
Esempi di Realizzazione