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In the residential area, resin can be used in all rooms of the house: its characteristics make it suitable for both a functional garage and a modern living room.


Resin solutions are more resistant and hygienic than traditional tile, linoleum or wood flooring; as they have no joints and / or leaks, responsible for the main points of fragility and formation of bacteria.

  • Functionality and design

  • Resistance and hygiene: a resin solution is free of joints and / or gaps

  • Customized solutions: it is possible to opt for a floor and wall covering or for different architectural elements (for example stairs, tops, landings) with different colors, application of high definition prints

  • Wide range of finishes

  • During the design phase, the choice of flooring and coverings is in fact a delicate choice: the materials used for floors and walls must combine functionality and personal taste.


It is not necessary to remove the existing flooring, with the necessary work you can get a new floor or coating in a short time.
The versatility of this unique material allows you to create a tailor-made solution.

  • In renovations, laying a resin floor is an excellent solution if you want to get a new floor without experiencing great inconvenience.

  • The options available are many thanks to the wide range of RPM Italia collections and finishes. A solution of continuity between flooring, walls and other architectural elements such as stairs, counters, landings gives a wide range of spaces whether it is condominiums, single homes or residential complexes.


The great customization of the resin offers creative and unique solutions to modernize every area of ​​your home according to your needs.


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The Finishes

Surface Preparation


  • Analisi della superficie esistente


  • Preparazione e riparazione della superficie esistente mediante diverse tipologie di lavorazioni 


  • Accurata pulizia per rimuovere e smaltire i materiali di risulta


Application cycle

  • Applicazione di eventuali elementi architettonici (rete di armatura, massetto, pannelli) 


  • Stesura di uno o più prodotti per assicurare la massima adesione della resina scelta


  • Stesura della Resina scelta in fase di progettazione


  • Stesura della resina di finitura con una tecnica di posa specifica


  • Stesura di trattamenti ulteriori scelti in fase di trattazione 


  • Pulizia della nuova superficie da consegnare chiavi in mano

Esempi di Realizzazione

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