In the residential area, resin can be used in all rooms of the house: its characteristics make it suitable for both a functional garage and a modern living room.
Resin solutions are more resistant and hygienic than traditional tile, linoleum or wood flooring; as they have no joints and / or leaks, responsible for the main points of fragility and formation of bacteria.
Functionality and design
Resistance and hygiene: a resin solution is free of joints and / or gaps
Customized solutions: it is possible to opt for a floor and wall covering or for different architectural elements (for example stairs, tops, landings) with different colors, application of high definition prints
Wide range of finishes
During the design phase, the choice of flooring and coverings is in fact a delicate choice: the materials used for floors and walls must combine functionality and personal taste.
It is not necessary to remove the existing flooring, with the necessary work you can get a new floor or coating in a short time.
The versatility of this unique material allows you to create a tailor-made solution.
In renovations, laying a resin floor is an excellent solution if you want to get a new floor without experiencing great inconvenience.
The options available are many thanks to the wide range of RPM Italia collections and finishes. A solution of continuity between flooring, walls and other architectural elements such as stairs, counters, landings gives a wide range of spaces whether it is condominiums, single homes or residential complexes.
The great customization of the resin offers creative and unique solutions to modernize every area of ​​your home according to your needs.
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Le Finiture
Preparazione della Superficie
Analisi della superficie esistente
Preparazione e riparazione della superficie esistente mediante diverse tipologie di lavorazioni
Accurata pulizia per rimuovere e smaltire i materiali di risulta
Ciclo Applicativo
Applicazione di eventuali elementi architettonici (rete di armatura, massetto, pannelli)
Stesura di uno o più prodotti per assicurare la massima adesione della resina scelta
Stesura della Resina scelta in fase di progettazione
Stesura della resina di finitura con una tecnica di posa specifica
Stesura di trattamenti ulteriori scelti in fase di trattazione
Pulizia della nuova superficie da consegnare chiavi in mano
Esempi di Realizzazione