The diversity between sectors and types of production requires floors and walls with specific resins, carefully selected and tested to guarantee the best quality / price ratio.
There are specific needs for industrial flooring and coatings and resin is the main material to meet them.
In the areas dedicated to production and logistics, RPM Italia solutions guarantee resistance to the continuous passage of road hauliers, transpallets and forklifts.
Resistance is also chemical when the flooring is in continuous contact with chemicals, biological spills or is exposed to high and low temperatures.
Among the many elements to be evaluated, the performance required of the flooring and / or the coating are in first place. Industrial resin floors and coatings guarantee high mechanical and chemical resistance.
Depending on the type of resin and the application cycle, thermal stress, acids, high drive-over capacity are no longer a problem.
RPM Italia offers solutions for every type of environment: sheds, warehouses, laboratories, machine rooms.
Industrial floors and coatings have always been the core business of RPM Italia, our solutions are suitable for any type of industry, be it chemical, mechanical, pharmaceutical, manufacturing (etc...).
Our highly specialized team follows the customer in every phase of the project: from design to after-sales.
Write to us immediately, we will reply as soon as possible.
The Finishes
Surface Preparation
Analisi della superficie esistente
Preparazione e riparazione della superficie esistente mediante diverse tipologie di lavorazioni
Accurata pulizia per rimuovere e smaltire i materiali di risulta
Application cycle
Applicazione di eventuali elementi architettonici (rete di armatura, massetto, pannelli)
Stesura di uno o più prodotti per assicurare la massima adesione della resina scelta
Stesura della Resina scelta in fase di progettazione
Stesura della resina di finitura con una tecnica di posa specifica
Stesura di trattamenti ulteriori scelti in fase di trattazione
Pulizia della nuova superficie da consegnare chiavi in mano