Mechanical Workshops
In mechanical workshops and lathes, the resin is particularly appreciated as it is a material with high mechanical resistance, anti-acid and anti-oil.
Infiltration and stagnation of liquids and oils are prevented thanks to the continuous surface of resin floors and coatings. In the design phase, it is also possible to opt for a flooring with integrated skirting board so as to also obtain optimal waterproofing that goes to safeguard the structure of the workshop over time.
Resin floors and coatings are ideal for those production companies where the floors are subjected to continuous traffic of vehicles, trucks and forklifts but also spills of acid material and processing oil.
Cleaning, both manual and mechanized, is facilitated by the absence of structural joints and / or joints. The continuous surface allows less maintenance than other types of flooring and it is also possible to carry out the renovation quickly thanks to the installation techniques of our highly specialized team.
A resin solution solves problems such as thermal stress, acids and high drive-over.
Depending on the type of resin and application cycle, an industrial resin flooring resists high temperatures due to, for example, proximity to large machinery, pipes or winter frost.
RPM Italia also produces different types of signs: directional lanes for forklifts, pedestrian paths, boundary strips for numbered parking lots and rest areas.
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Le Finiture
Preparazione della Superficie
Analisi della superficie esistente
Preparazione e riparazione della superficie esistente mediante diverse tipologie di lavorazioni
Accurata pulizia per rimuovere e smaltire i materiali di risulta
Ciclo Applicativo
Applicazione di eventuali elementi architettonici (rete di armatura, massetto, pannelli)
Stesura di uno o più prodotti per assicurare la massima adesione della resina scelta
Stesura della Resina scelta in fase di progettazione
Stesura della resina di finitura con una tecnica di posa specifica
Stesura di trattamenti ulteriori scelti in fase di trattazione
Pulizia della nuova superficie da consegnare chiavi in mano
Esempi di Realizzazione