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I Materiali 

The stone line includes a series of resin coatings based on methacrylate, epoxy and polyurethane with the addition of flaked quartz, grits and stones of any shape and color.
During the design phase, the client chooses a base resin available in different shades, after which the desired additional product is mixed.

Lo consigliamo per 

Stone floors are suitable for covering large surfaces.
A Stone resin surface is highly resistant to both vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
It therefore resists the continuous passage of trucks, forklifts (more commonly known as forklifts) and pallet trucks but also the continuous trampling of pedestrians, just think of the pavement of a shopping center.

La realizzazione e la posa 

First, the substrate where the floor and / or wall covering will be laid is analyzed.
Then the support is eventually repaired and worked through different types of processing.
You then continue by applying the primer and the desired resin mixed with grits, stones, ceramic and non-ceramic quartz, depending on the type.


Our materials are certified and are produced in full compliance with EU regulations.


  • Extreme thermal resistance

  • Non-slip

  • Waterproof

  • We recommend it for covering large surfaces and anyone wishing to obtain a very resistant floor and / or coating


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Le finiture

The finishes for the Stone line are made according to the customer's taste.
They vary according to the color combinations that you want to make between the base resin and the color of the quartz, stone and grit.
The dimensions of these elements also vary.

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 Su misura  

Ogni lavorazione effettuata da RPM Italia prevede un costante rapporto con la committenza al fine di realizzare una pavimentazione o rivestimento su misura.

Grazie alle varie fasi di progettazione e studio e ai successivi sopralluoghi il cliente si sente totalmente coinvolto nel processo di realizzazione dell'opera.